Assaamualaikum and greetings to all of you~
alhamdulillah dah masuk bulan Oktober dah
so by any chances, nak juga update blog ni .
takmau la bersawang sangat ehek
A Lifetime Battle ?
What are you talking about ?!
okay chill everybody. sebenarnya sis ada join satu camp bulan lepas. tapi bukan sebarang okeiii
What are you talking about ?!
okay chill everybody. sebenarnya sis ada join satu camp bulan lepas. tapi bukan sebarang okeiii
Kem Karatan namanya. ehek.Corrosion Camp : A Lifetime Battle
Anjuran USM-Nace student section. NACE ni merupakan sebuah organisation yang menggalakkan kesedaran masyarakat terhadap corrosion(kakisan) dan perkembangan teknologi. Basically, camp ni memang cerita pasal corrosion la. Apa itu corrosion? kesan corrosion, cara nak cegah dan kawal corrosion. Sepanjang kem inilah, dorang akan explain semuanya. That's why ada 6 kali talk dan 4 practical sessions,kiranya hands-on la . baru lebih faham, tak gitu? tapi sebagai insan yang lemah, 2 talk terakhir tu, aku dah 'lost' uhuk. Kiranya kem ni memang full package lah! so aku akan share la sikit pengalaman and apa yang aku dapat dari kem ni. No worries, aku summarize kan semua okei ;)
Anjuran USM-Nace student section. NACE ni merupakan sebuah organisation yang menggalakkan kesedaran masyarakat terhadap corrosion(kakisan) dan perkembangan teknologi. Basically, camp ni memang cerita pasal corrosion la. Apa itu corrosion? kesan corrosion, cara nak cegah dan kawal corrosion. Sepanjang kem inilah, dorang akan explain semuanya. That's why ada 6 kali talk dan 4 practical sessions,kiranya hands-on la . baru lebih faham, tak gitu? tapi sebagai insan yang lemah, 2 talk terakhir tu, aku dah 'lost' uhuk. Kiranya kem ni memang full package lah! so aku akan share la sikit pengalaman and apa yang aku dapat dari kem ni. No worries, aku summarize kan semua okei ;)

Talk 1 : Introduction to Corrosion
Corrosion is a metal degradation process resulted from interaction with its environment. Corrosion ni akan berlaku dalam 2 cara :-
- low temperature corrosion (suhu yang rendah). Occurs when a liquid such as aqueous solution is present as it contains active ions such are Cl-,OH- and H+
- high temperature corrosion. Occurs in aqueous environment, without presence of liquid phase. This means that by react with oxygen or other gases.
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Types of corrosion |
Talk 2 : Open Circuit & Galvanic Cell Measurement
Open circuit potential (OCP) is the potential of the working electrode (metal specimen) relative to the reference electrode when no potential or current is being applied to the corrosion system.
A galvanic cell (voltaic cell) is a cell in which a redox reaction, spontaneously occurs and electric current produced.
mesti hangpa blur en ? ok sbenanya OCP and galvanic cell ni merupakan teknik asas pengukuran kakisan (corrosion measurement).
Open circuit potential (OCP) is the potential of the working electrode (metal specimen) relative to the reference electrode when no potential or current is being applied to the corrosion system.
A galvanic cell (voltaic cell) is a cell in which a redox reaction, spontaneously occurs and electric current produced.
mesti hangpa blur en ? ok sbenanya OCP and galvanic cell ni merupakan teknik asas pengukuran kakisan (corrosion measurement).
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Open circuit potential |
Talk 3 : Understanding Mircrobiological Induced Corrosion : Mechanism & Control
Microbially Influenced Corrosion (MIC) such as bacteria, fungi and archea. They help to catalyst the process of corrosion.Corrosion will occur when there are anodic, cathodic, metal path and electrolytes.
Bacteria that will initiate corrosion :-
Microbially Influenced Corrosion (MIC) such as bacteria, fungi and archea. They help to catalyst the process of corrosion.Corrosion will occur when there are anodic, cathodic, metal path and electrolytes.
Bacteria that will initiate corrosion :-
- Plantonic bacteria (freely move)
- aerobic bacteria (can survive in any environment)
- acid producing bacteria (corrosive metabolite)
- methanogens (CO2 reducing)
- nitrate reduction bacteria (NRB)
Talk 4 : Surface Preparation & Coating Application for Oil &Gas Segment
So, since corrosion dah berlaku, kita kenalah cegah dan kawal. Supaya besi atau apa apa peralatan kita takkan jadi lebih rosak. Itulah function 'coating'. Antara coating yang selalu kita guna ialah 'PAINT'. Tapi bukan sebarang paint okei .Paint tu mestilah mengandungi element penting seperti:-
So, since corrosion dah berlaku, kita kenalah cegah dan kawal. Supaya besi atau apa apa peralatan kita takkan jadi lebih rosak. Itulah function 'coating'. Antara coating yang selalu kita guna ialah 'PAINT'. Tapi bukan sebarang paint okei .Paint tu mestilah mengandungi element penting seperti:-
- resin/binder (forming backbone of paint)
- pigment (gives colour)
- extender (
- solvent (thin down a viscous substance)
- additive
Alternatif sistem yang boleh digunapakai untuk cegah kakisan ni, kita boleh guna 'hot dip galvanising' dan 'airless spray equipment'.
Practical session
kiranya kami ada buat 3 experiment dan buat analisis cathodic protection kat site.
kiranya kami ada buat 3 experiment dan buat analisis cathodic protection kat site.
Kiranya, experiment tu untuk kami apply balik apa yang kami dengar masa talk tu XD
first experiment, sis tak ingat uhuk >.< blur time tu. experiment 2 pasal corrosion evaluation. Guna teknik potentiodynamic polarization.Dari experiment ni, kita akan dapat satu graf, namanya Tafel Plot. dari graf tu juga, kita boleh tahu corrosion parameters such as Icorr,Ecorr, corrosion rate dan sebagainya.
experiment ketiga mengenai kesan pH pada kakisan besi. Kita guna pelbagai jenis electrolyte seperti HCl, NaOH dan copper sulphate. dari situ, kita boleh observe reaction antara besi dan electrolyte.
Lastly, analisis cathodic protection kat site. gambar yang tertera tu ialah tapak site. gambar tu merangkumi sistem perpaipan and test point masing-masing. CP bermaksud test point. di sini, analisissoil resistivity, TRU inspection,impressed current cathodic protection, sacrificial cathodic protection system and without cathodic protection system dijalankan. tapi disebabkan masa yang terhad, semua kumpulan hanya akan lakukan satu analisis sahaja. untuk kumpulan aku, kami buat soil resistivity ehek >.<
anyway,impressed current cathodic protection tu maknanya sejenis of system usually applied where there are elevated current requirements for protection against corrosion.
sacrificial cathodic protection uses the naturally occurring electrochemical potential difference between different metallic elements to provide protection.
soil resistivity is the process of measuring a volume of soil to determine the conductivity of the soil. untuk lebih details, boleh la google sendiri. aku takut aku salah explain nanti :3
kesimpulannya, jika ingin tahu lebih lanjut mengenai corrosion. silalah join corrosion camp tahun depan okeii ;* p/s: CORROSION NEVER SLEEP !

salam sayang dari peserta Corrosion Camp 2019 ehek.

maceh pada pihak Nace dan Nace student section-USM sebab anjurkan program ni >< maceh juga pada jiran jiran tetangga universiti yang lain sebab sudi mai USM na~
next year, UTHM pula jadi tuan rumah **
and maceh pada group sis, WHITE 3 . and most of them orang UTHM , dah final year en . GOOD LUCK gais !!^^ p/s : yang duduk tu bukan student okei . tu orang kuat NACE Malaysia.
see u when i see u ~